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 Cemeteries and Headstones in ND, USA

Hope Mennonite Cemetery, Chaseley, ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Unmarked gravesite of Daniel and Anna Maria (Sept) Bich
Unmarked gravesite of Daniel and Anna Maria (Sept) Bich
For some reason, when they started this cemetery, they didn't do rows, but buried by choice. That's why this cemetery is so large for so few graves. There are people in all four corners and a few scattered throughout the middle. When they platted this and made a map in the 1940's, Anna Maria Sept Bichs grave is shown. She's in about the middle from east to west and in north from the fence about seven grave spaces. photo and information provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Daniel BICH (d. 10 Dec 1930)
Anna Maria SEPT (d. 1 Dec 1938)

Sunset Memorial Gardens, Bismarck, Burleigh Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Heaadstone of August and Mary Ann (Krein) Biech
Heaadstone of August and Mary Ann (Krein) Biech
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    August G. "Shorty" BIECH (d. 14 Mar 1989)
Mary Ann KREIN (d. 15 Sep 1996)

Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Elgin, Grant Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

Tuttle Cemetery, Tuttle, Kidder Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Reinhold Beich
Headstone of Reinhold Beich
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Reinhold BICH (d. Feb 1958)

Kulm Congregational Cemetery, Kulm, LaMoure Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Andrew and Wilhelmina (Bich) Lay
Headstone of Andrew and Wilhelmina (Bich) Lay
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Wilhelmine BICH (d. 3 Jul 1951)
Andreas LAY (d. 6 Sep 1949)

St. John's Congregational Cemetery, Kulm, LaMoure Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Gottfried Lay is probably buried in an unmarked grave here.
Gottfried Lay is probably buried in an unmarked grave here.
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Not yet located    Gottfried LAY (d. 1900)

Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Fredonia, Logan Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
A view of the Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Fredonia, ND with Anna-Maria Treichel's headstone front and foremost
A view of the Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Fredonia, ND with Anna-Maria Treichel's headstone front and foremost
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Headstone Johann Hoenke
Headstone Johann Hoenke
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Johann HOENKE (d. 3 Jul 1918)
Headstone of Anna-Maria Treichel
Headstone of Anna-Maria Treichel
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Anna-Maria TREICHEL (d. 28 Dec 1903)
Headstone of Karolina (Bich) Hoenke
Headstone of Karolina (Bich) Hoenke
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Karolina BICH (d. 28 Mar 1925)

Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Sheridan Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Unmarked grave of Maria (Krause) Bich
Unmarked grave of Maria (Krause) Bich
In the 1970's the government planned to make this part of the Sheyenne River valley into a reservoir. They bought up the farm land and moved/tore down all the buildings and relocated the graves. None of the five people they left here had tombstones, but they did tear up any of the cement boundaries. Then funding fried up for the project, the place still isn't flooded and the US government rents out the land to farmers. photo and information provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Salome BICH (d. 28 Oct 1875)

Goodrich Cemetery, Goodrich, Sheridan Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of John and Julia (Braun) Beich
Headstone of John and Julia (Braun) Beich
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Johann "John" (BICH->) BEICH (d. 1932)
Juliana "Julia" BRAUN (d. 6 Feb 1954)
Unmarked graves of Samuel, Justina (Braun) and sons Gottlieb and Henry
Unmarked graves of Samuel, Justina (Braun) and sons Gottlieb and Henry
Samuel bought a four grave lot here. The sexton says there is no record of who is buried there but all four spaces are filled. It is assumed, going north, that it's Samuel, Justina, and sons Gottlieb (who has a stone) and Henry. photo and information provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Gottlieb BICH (d. 25 Dec 1918)
Henry BICH (d. 16 Feb 1921)
Samuel BIECH (d. 20 Mar 1940)
Justina BRAUN (d. 23 Sep 1939)

Mennonite Brethren Cemetery, Harvey, Sheridan Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Gottfried Almer and his first wife Justina
Headstone of Gottfried Almer and his first wife Justina
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Gottfried ALMER (d. 20 May 1945)
Justina ________ (d. 23 Dec 1937)
Headstone of Jacob and Justina (Knopp) Bich
Headstone of Jacob and Justina (Knopp) Bich
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Jacob BICH (d. 28 Dec 1918)
Justine KNOPP (d. 1 May 1936)
Headstone of Louise (Straub) Lobe
Headstone of Louise (Straub) Lobe
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Louise STRAUB (d. 29 Oct 1918)
Unmarked graves of Gottfried and Maria (Kohls) Lobe
Unmarked graves of Gottfried and Maria (Kohls) Lobe
The unmarked graves are to the right of the Loba (Louise Straub Lobe) stone. photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Maria KOHLS (d. 1918)
Gottfried LOBE (d. 10 Nov 1918)

Rosehill Memorial Cemetery, Minot, Ward Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of John Bick
Headstone of John Bick
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Johann (BICH-->) BICK (d. 26 Mar 1959)
Headstone of Sophia (Hoenke) Bick
Headstone of Sophia (Hoenke) Bick
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Sophia HOENKE (d. 25 Jul 1968)

Baptist Cemetery, Fessenden, Wells Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Carrie (Opp) Beich Oslchlager
Headstone of Carrie (Opp) Beich Oslchlager
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Karoline "Carrie" OPP (d. 11 Feb 1921)

Sunnyside Cemetery, Harvey, Wells Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Daniel and Louise (Bechthold) Bich
Headstone of Daniel and Louise (Bechthold) Bich
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Louisa BECHTHOLD (d. 4 Sep 1972)
Daniel BICH (d. 26 Apr 1982)

Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Hurdsfield, Wells Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of John and Justina (Bich) Buchwitz
Headstone of John and Justina (Bich) Buchwitz
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Justina BICH (d. 13 Jul 1942)
John BUCHWITZ (d. 30 Jul 1938)
Headstone of John Buchwitz
Headstone of John Buchwitz
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    John BUCHWITZ (d. 30 Jul 1938)
Headstone of Justina (Bich) Buchwitz
Headstone of Justina (Bich) Buchwitz
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Justina BICH (d. 13 Jul 1942)

Eigenheim Congregational Cemetery, Rusland Twp., Wells Co., ND, USA

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone of Christian Bich
Headstone of Christian Bich
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Christian BICH (d. 31 Jan 1905)
Headstone of Gottlieb and Helena (Bich) Nutz
Headstone of Gottlieb and Helena (Bich) Nutz
photo taken by Bill Schulz 
Located    Helena BICH (d. 1948)
Gottlieb NUTZ (d. 24 Sep 1939)
Headstone of Jacob and Daniel Bich - most likely the children of Daniel and Anna Maria (Sept) Bich
Headstone of Jacob and Daniel Bich - most likely the children of Daniel and Anna Maria (Sept) Bich
two babies on the same stone - Jacob born Jan 21 1896, died same day, and Daniel, no dates, died at 1 year, 5 days.  
Located    Family: Christoph SEPT / Carolina STAHL
Headstone of Justina (Braun) Bich
Headstone of Justina (Braun) Bich
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Justina BRAUN (d. 30 Mar 1923)
Headstone of Reinhold Biech
Headstone of Reinhold Biech
photo provided by Bill Schulz 
Located    Reinhold (BICH->) BIECH (d. 18 May 1913)

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